Generative AI: Disrupting Industries | Sachin Dev Duggal

The Emergence of Generative AI 

In a nutshell, the adoption of generative AI is growing exponentially due to better algorithms, more powerful computers, and larger datasets. In fact, according to a McKinsey survey, 65% of organizations use generative AI regularly in one or another business function; that’s significant growth compared to previous years. This surge shows a broader understanding of the potential of generative AI, from creativity enhancement in marketing to product development streamlining. 

Generative AI's capabilities extend beyond simple content creation; it can produce complex outputs such as code, images, and music. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool in the entertainment and software engineering sectors. For instance,, co-founded by Sachin Dev Duggal, has transformed software development with its AI companion, Natasha, the world’s first AI product manager. Natasha interprets customer requirements, generates user stories and code, and manages projects with unparalleled transparency and consistency, compressing weeks of work into hours. 

Industries’ Use-Cases  

On the new product development side, however, organizations can use generative AI technologies when they want to have a fast-prototyping process that leads to iterations of required designs with a reduced speed-to-market timeline for new products. It also helps an enterprise to be more responsive to the market by giving suggestions on possible improvements through customer feedback analysis and analysis of trends within the market. Therefore, “generative AI allows companies to innovate faster and adjust to changing market needs,” says Sachin Duggal. 


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